Friday, August 3, 2012

Who has time to blog?

As usual, my poor little blog gets neglected!  I feel like I barely have time to put my thoughts down in blog form, so I'll try to spill some of them out here!

Summer has gone by incredibly fast and I can hardly believe that my little baby will be 3 months old next week!  Parenting is such a bittersweet job.  I love watching Finley grow but it hurts to know that he won't be a baby for much longer.  I can hardly believe that Peyton is 3......

Peyton continues to crack us up (constantly), but he also hit a pretty difficult phase!  He is constantly trying to challenge us to see what he can get away with.  His whining has hit an all time high (or low, rather) and he seems to shed tears very easily!  He is definitely a sensitive little boy!!

The other day, Peyton told us not to put the pacifier in Finley's mouth because "he likes to watch Finley cry."  Uh oh!!!  Here are some other goofy things he has said/done lately: (copied from my Facebook page!)

  • While shopping in TJ Maxx, Peyton asked me if he could ask a lady if she wanted to see his penis. 
  • Just gave Peyton a scoop of Nutella (his first!) and he licked his lips and said "Mmmmmm....jealous."
  • Yesterday, Peyton took the dollar bills I had pulled out for the toll booth and stuffed them in his pants. I guess he has chosen his future career path ;)
I'm sure there are many other things I can't think of!

We've been treated to a steady stream of guests this summer - it will be strange in the Fall when we no longer have people drifting in and out!!


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